CRS Donate Solution to Leading Homeless Charity in Dublin

CRS, leading cold storage suppliers in the UK and Ireland, have gifted a cold store to the Dublin Simon Community.

CRS, leading cold storage suppliers in the UK and Ireland, have gifted a cold store to the Dublin Simon Community.

The charity is regularly approached by several leading catering companies, with the aim to donate food to help to feed the homeless thought Irelands capital. Unfortunately though, the Simon Community, although desperately needing supply, simply could not accept the generous donations as they had no facility to store the food the way it requires.

CRS heard of this dilemma and could not sit idly by when the company specialises in exactly what the Simon Community needed to continue to do the great work they do.

The temperature controlled solution was provided by CRS to assist with the excellent work of the charity, who will be using the unit to keep food fresh so it will last longer and can help the homeless community of over 3,000 people they serve each year.

Justyna Drogomirecka on behalf of Dublin Simon Community said:

“We are extremely grateful to the CRS team for their generous support and for providing the 50 foot freezer unit. This unit will enable us to expand on our Food For Simon programme where companies donate food and other goods that we would usually have to purchase in order to maintain and run our services. Because of CRS’s generosity, for the first time we will be able to accept both fresh and frozen produce in large quantities that can be distributed to our housing and treatment and recovery services. Dublin Simon Community provide support to over 3,000 people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness each year and have services with fully operating kitchens. Thanks to the CRS team we are in position to greatly reduce the costs of food and storage and focus on providing vital housing and support services to help people move on from homelessness to safe and secure homes of their own.”


About the community:

 The Dublin Simon Community exist to prevent and address homelessness in Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow and Meath. The charity regularly provides food, basic amenities and emotional support to growing numbers of the homeless population.

Are you in need of a reliable cold store from a trusted supplier? We provide blast freezers, container cold stores and more to a range of industries. 


Wednesday 22nd June 2016

Published by: CRS Cold Storage

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