CRS Supplier Partnerships

Our supplier partnerships are what make us.

That’s why we’re so proud of the relationships we’ve formed over the years. Working together, we’ve helped companies across the globe expand their cold storage capabilities and invest in the latest technologies.

Unrivalled supplier partnerships

At CRS we understand that a varied choice and state of the art technologies are what our customers want most. That’s why we have long-term relationships with all of our trusted suppliers. From basic cold storage to specialist pharmaceutical units, our supplier partnerships allow us to rent and sell the best commercial cold storage available on the market.


Working for the best

Our aim is to provide the best and latest cold store technology and we couldn’t do this without the help of our partners, who are leaders in temperature control and commercial refrigeration units.


Our Suppliers

  • Zanotti Refrigeration
  • Carrier Transicold
  • The Klinge Group

Without them, we couldn’t supply our loyal customers with the commercial cold storage they need to run their businesses daily. Our deep rooted partnerships with some of the best cold storage providers across the globe ensure we can provide customers with even the most specialist pieces of cold store equipment.


Highly accredited

Thanks to our continual commitment to high quality cold storage and safety, the CRS team have a number of accreditations and certificates.

  • We’re accredited to ISO 9001:2008

  • CRS consistently provides products that meet with regulatory requirements, as well as enhancing customer satisfaction by following a strict quality management system.

  • We’re part of the Irish Exporters Association, which helps CRS build strong supplier and customer relationships across the globe.

  • We’re F Gas certified. The CRS team are fully trained in the installation and management of refrigerated storage. This includes safety checking and understanding the environmental impact of F gases.

  • We’re fully certified in GDP – All of our distribution employees have GDP certification meaning they’re fully trained in maintaining product safety and quality when storing or moving pharma cold storage

  • All of these accreditations ensure we can foster stable, trusted relationships with leading cold storage specialists and provide customers with everything they require to run and grow their company.


Great Terms and Conditions

Alongside this, our longstanding supplier partnerships mean we can offer our customers unrivalled hire and purchase terms.

These include guaranteed first use of a product, fresh from the production line. No charges for light wear and tear from everyday use. No automatic renewals to trick you into longer contracts.

Access to industry specific equipment to eliminate the worry of cross contamination. The ability to purchase any rental unit you’re currently hiring and the ability to try before you commit at no cost.

At CRS, we’re committed to upholding strong supplier partnerships because it’s beneficial for us and it’s beneficial for our customers.

To enquire about our high quality service please send us a message today.

Alternatively, call us on 0800 085 2298.

Wednesday 29th March 2017

Published by: CRS Cold Storage

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