Gel packs vs refrigerated vans – which one is best?

There are different options for transporting temperature-sensitive goods safely. Refrigerated trucks or vans are just one of the options available to safeguard the quality of your food while being delivered to the customer. The use of gel packs or Phase Change Materials (PCMs) are a cost-effective way to ensure your produce complies with the health and safety regulations in place. The truth is that these eutectic plates, or gel packs as they are commonly known, need to be preconditioned in the right way before they are used – and that’s where the preconditioning blast freezers come to play.

These are the main benefits of renting a preconditioning blast freezer to home-delivery safely and efficiently to your customers.


The use of refrigerated trucks or vans is a common solution. However, these options can take a very long time to lower the temperature of your plates to freeze them correctly. In many cases, they can’t achieve the temperatures required for adequate freezing, sub -25ºC.

Phase Change Materials (PCMs) such as Gel Packs are a crucial component of any cold chain. These sealed panels of eutectic gel are frozen and packed inside shipments to maintain the right insulation through transport. Having fast and efficient means of preconditioning the freezer plates is essential to maintaining the right standards when home delivering to clients.

Blast Freezers can quickly reach a temperature of up to -40C in a +50C ambient environment. The temperature can be maintained for long periods of time, ensuring optimal temperature to freeze and transport your products.


Implementing an efficient process to keep your food and fresh produce safe is an investment to last.

The use of preconditioning blast freezers can help you save some money in the long run by reducing the amount of wastage, the manual check-ups and by keeping your customers satisfied and safely served.

By comparison with freezer vans, preconditioning blast freezers offer a cost-effective solution adaptable to your business needs.

Temperature control

Reliable temperature control is essential to keep the cold chain moving. Blast Freezers are equipped with a cloud-based temperature monitoring system to provide accurate monitoring of the temperature and alert when something unexpected happens.

Using temperature monitoring removes the manual work involved, saving you time and money. These systems will also prevent you from producing unnecessary wastage by alerting you when actions need to be taken. They record every change in temperature and can generate reports for both internal audits and regulatory authorities.


Whether you need to cope with temporary demand or to address growth and new opportunities within your business, CRS offers a range of Blast Freezers varying in capacity and performance. Preconditioning blast freezers are available to rent, purchase or lease. Keeping your options flexible means that you can adapt quickly to the demanding, rapidly changing market

From 10kw to 100kw and available for hire periods from six months upwards. Freezer price plans are fully flexible and many of our units come with the option of added extras. All mobile freezer units are delivered to your premises directly which will save you the additional warehousing and transport costs.

Learn more about our range of Blast Freezers.

If you would like to know more about our range of Preconditioning Blast Freezers for Gel Packs, get in touch and one of our Cold Storage experts will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thursday 21st May 2020

Published by: CRS Cold Storage

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